FDA OKs Truvada for PrEP

  • by Liz Highleyman, BAR Contributor
  • Thursday July 19, 2012
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FDA OKs Truvada for PrEP

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on Monday the approval of Truvada, a once-daily combination made by

Gilead Sciences, for pre-exposure prophylaxis — better known as

PrEP — to prevent sexual transmission of HIV.

"Today's approval marks an important milestone in our fight against HIV," said FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg. "New

treatments as well as prevention methods are needed to fight the HIV epidemic in this country."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 50,000 people are newly infected with HIV each year in the U.S. — a number that has barely budged over the past

decade — while UNAIDS estimates that there were 2.7 million new infections

worldwide in 2010.

Truvada contains two drugs, tenofovir and emtricitabine, that are

among the most widely used medications for HIV treatment. On May

10 the FDA's Antiviral Drug Advisory Committee voted decisively

in favor of approving Truvada for

PrEP based on evidence from large

clinical trials showing that it can

dramatically lower the risk of acquiring HIV via sex.

Evidence of eff ectiveness

The approval comes on the heels

of the publication of results from

three randomized, controlled PrEP

trials in the July 11 advance edition of the New England Journal of

Medicine. Findings were previously

presented at medical conferences in

2011 and early 2012.

The iPrEx trial, which enrolled

nearly 2,500 gay and bisexual men

and a small number of transgender

women in six countries (including San Francisco and Boston in

the U.S.), found that daily Truvada

reduced the risk of HIV by 42 percent overall, rising to 92 percent for

participants who had drug levels in

their blood indicating good adherence.

The Partners PrEP study, which

looked at approximately 4,700

mostly heterosexual serodiscordant couples in Kenya and Uganda,

found that the drugs in Truvada

reduced the likelihood of infection by 75 percent. Another study

of heterosexual men and women in

Africa, TDF2, showed a 62 percent

risk reduction.

The Fem-PrEP study of daily

Truvada for high-risk African women did not demonstrate a signifi cant

protective effect, but further analysis showed that participants' blood

drug levels were low despite selfreported good adherence.

In all these trials participants also

received a comprehensive package

of prevention support including

risk reduction counseling, regular

HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing, and free condoms in

addition to Truvada or placebo.

"PrEP offers a new prevention

tool for those most at risk for HIV,

and should be provided in the context of other prevention strategies,

including HIV and STI testing,

condoms, and adherence support,"

Partners PrEP principal investigator Connie Celum told the Bay Area

Reporter. "To turn the tide on the

HIV epidemic in the U.S. and globally, we need to be guided by evidence in developing our approach

to HIV prevention."

Minimizing risk

Monday's announcement came

as a surprise to many because the

FDA had extended its deadline for

a decision from mid-June to midSeptember to allow more time for

Gilead to develop a risk evaluation

and mitigation strategy to ensure

safe use of Truvada for PrEP.

Most HIV treatment advocates

applauded the approval.

"Finally, after 30 years, HIV-negative individuals have a new way to

protect themselves from becoming

infected," said Project Inform Executive Director Dana Van Gorder.

"While PrEP isn't a tool that will

be appropriate for broad use, we

are thrilled to have a new option

that could offer substantial benefi t

to those at highest risk for HIV, including gay and bisexual men and

transgender women who struggle

with consistent condom use, and

heterosexual women living in areas

with high HIV rates whose partners

refuse to use condoms."

While Truvada was shown to be

highly effective for selected high-risk

populations that use it correctly as

part of a comprehensive prevention

approach, some have raised concerns

about the diffi culty of ensuring good

adherence, side effects including kidney and bone toxicity, drug resistance,

and cost and access issues.

The FDA's decision was "reckless,"

according to Michael Weinstein,

president of the AIDS Healthcare

Foundation, the loudest critic of

Truvada for PrEP, who described

the approval as "negligence bordering the equivalence of malpractice

which will sadly result in new infections, drug resistance, and serious side effects among many, many


In the clinical trials, resistance

developed in some participants

with acute HIV infection — before

standard tests can detect antibodies against the virus — who were

mistakenly classifi ed as uninfected.

Truvada alone is unable to suppress

HIV replication, allowing resistance

mutations to emerge.

To guard against this possibility,

the new Truvada medication guide

and revised prescribing information

specify that people considering PrEP

must receive a confi rmed negative

HIV test before starting the drug and

every three months thereafter.

As a condition of approval Gilead

is required to collect virus samples

for resistance testing from people

who become infected, and must

keep a record of outcomes among

women who get pregnant while taking Truvada for PrEP. The company

will also conduct a study to evaluate

drug adherence and its relationship

to side effects, seroconversion risk,

and resistance.

Next steps for PrEP

The National Institute of Allergy

and Infectious Diseases is working

with local public health departments to develop demonstration

projects that will attempt to answer

some of the outstanding questions

about PrEP.

The fi rst two programs — in San

Francisco and Miami — are expected

to start in late August, according to

Stephanie Cohen, medical director

at City Clinic, which will spearhead

the local project.

Cohen explained that the goals of

the demonstration project include

determining the level of community interest in PrEP, evaluating how

people adhere to a daily prevention

regimen in a real-world setting, collecting additional Truvada safety

data, and assessing whether and

how sexual practices change when

people know they are taking a pill

that can lower their risk of infection.

The demonstration project is

open to men who have sex with

men and transgender women who

have substantial, ongoing risk for

HIV infection. Magnet health center

and other local sites will help recruit

people for the study.

Eligible participants — who must

have confi rmed negative HIV tests

— will receive Truvada for up to

48 weeks, along with a prevention

package that includes risk reduction and adherence counseling,

condoms, and regular HIV and STI


"PrEP is an important and welcome step forward as momentum

builds for making serious headway

against HIV infection," said Judith

Aberg, chair of the HIV Medicine

Association. But she added that

implementation of PrEP "must not

contribute to HIV-related health

care disparities," noting that the

low-income and minority populations most heavily affected by HIV

are less likely to be engaged in health

care and are more likely to be uninsured or rely on Medicaid.

"We're really ushering in new

era of HIV prevention," San Francisco AIDS Foundation spokesman

James Loduca told the B.A.R. "If

we're successful in the rollout of

PrEP, the mandate for all of us is to

develop innovative programs that

can successfully deliver Truvada for

PrEP and the wrap-around medical

services it requires to hard-to-reach

communities that traditionally are

not in care."