
Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Sex crimes and punishment

Editorial: Sex crimes and punishment

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Sep 18, 2019

One gay state lawmaker's effort to treat young sex offenders equally was torpedoed last month by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) who chairs the powerful Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Guest Opinion: Federal funds needed to end AIDS

Guest Opinion: Federal funds needed to end AIDS

We've made incredible progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS over the past several decades, but the fight is far from over.

Editorial: Milestone marked, but more to do

Editorial: Milestone marked, but more to do

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Sep 11, 2019

The news Tuesday that San Francisco had fewer than 200 new HIV infections in 2018 was greeted with the praise it deserves.

Guest Opinion: Independence will protect vulnerable communities

Guest Opinion: Independence will protect vulnerable communities

We see around us every day that what's happening on our streets isn't working.

Guest Opinion: Fighting for LGBTQ equality — and safety

Guest Opinion: Fighting for LGBTQ equality — and safety

We San Franciscans are blessed to live in a city that celebrates our rich diversity, where we find sanctuary with one another.

Guest Opinion: Harris is the best choice for president

Guest Opinion: Harris is the best choice for president

Gay state Senator Scott Wiener makes the case for Kamala Harris for president.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor.

Editorial: Newspapers need an exemption in AB 5

Editorial: Newspapers need an exemption in AB 5

The newspaper industry in California, which has suffered steep declines in subscribers and advertising revenue over the past decade, is about to be dealt what will likely be a fatal blow under Assembly Bill 5.

Guest Opinion: DA's office needs to be part of solution

Guest Opinion: DA's office needs to be part of solution

When it comes to homelessness, car break-ins, and police accountability, the San Francisco District Attorney's office has been part of the problem — I'm running to make it part of the solution.

Guest Opinion: New approach needed for safety

Guest Opinion: New approach needed for safety

When I was in diapers, my parents drove the getaway car in an armed robbery that tragically took three lives. My mother spent 22 years in prison.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor.