
Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Guest Opinion: Census must drop citizenship question

Guest Opinion: Census must drop citizenship question

The U.S. Census Bureau is seeking public comment on its 2020 census plan, which includes a citizenship question on the census form all households must answer.

Editorial: Dellums led on progressive ideals

Editorial: Dellums led on progressive ideals

Former Oakland mayor Ron Dellums, who died Monday at age 82 of cancer, leaves an enduring political legacy in the East Bay.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Gilead must lower Truvada price

Editorial: Gilead must lower Truvada price

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jul 25, 2018

New studies presented at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam this week continue to confirm previous research: PrEP works extraordinarily well to prevent HIV, moreover, when taken as prescribed, it can be 99 percent effective.

Guest Opinion: Polyamorous porn stars defy stereotypes

Guest Opinion: Polyamorous porn stars defy stereotypes

There are a limitless number of characteristics that people typically associate with porn stars; these individuals are often presumed to be wild, promiscuous, money-hungry, and morally bankrupt, endorsing an industry rich in corruption and violence.

Editorial: Trump is out of his league

Editorial: Trump is out of his league

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jul 18, 2018

President Donald Trump's embarrassing behavior at his news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin ratcheted up the calls for his impeachment after he took Putin's word that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election.

Guest Opinion: Why Massachusetts matters

Guest Opinion: Why Massachusetts matters

"Hi! My name is Jim, and we're in the neighborhood today talking about human rights and civil rights for Massachusetts citizens. And, in particular, we want to talk about equal rights for our transgender friends and neighbors ..."

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Guest Opinion: English only

Guest Opinion: English only

When I told my mother what the principal had done to me she took off her white cotton apron, put on her walking shoes, and in her everyday housedress took me by the hand, dabbed my tears, and said, "Let's go, Emilio."

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Now the hard work begins

Editorial: Now the hard work begins

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jul 11, 2018

London Breed's inauguration Wednesday as San Francisco's 45th mayor was a celebratory affair.