
Guest Opinion: DNC to trans people: Drop dead

Guest Opinion: DNC to trans people: Drop dead

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said the party chose Milwaukee, Wisconsin for its 2020 convention "because the city embodies who we are as a party."

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Guest Opinion: We need a rent board member who can fight for us

Guest Opinion: We need a rent board member who can fight for us

  • by Deepa Varma and Tommi Avicolli Mecca
  • Apr 17, 2019

As tenant advocates, we fight every day to keep our neighbors and our communities here in the city. Our organizations counsel the vast majority of rent control tenants who seek help in San Francisco.

Editorial: Isbell should continue on rent board

Editorial: Isbell should continue on rent board

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Apr 10, 2019

We support Mayor London Breed's appointment of Reese Aaron Isbell to the San Francisco Rent Stabilization Board.

Guest Opinion: I owe my life in SF to rent control

Guest Opinion: I owe my life in SF to rent control

"Congratulations! Now, we need to talk to you about increasing your rent."

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Trans speaker needed at DNC convention

Editorial: Trans speaker needed at DNC convention

The Democratic National Committee has chosen Joe Solmonese, a gay man, as chief executive officer for the 2020 convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Guest Opinion: SF Travel always proud of our city

Guest Opinion: SF Travel always proud of our city

In December 2018, San Francisco dominated the Best of Gay Cities 2018 travel awards, taking home the gold for "Most Welcoming City" and winning honors for "Sustainable Dining," "Most Loved Bar" (440 Castro), and "Rainbow Crosswalk."

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Let's get real about Equality Act

Editorial: Let's get real about Equality Act

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Mar 27, 2019

The newly introduced Equality Act will have its first hearing next week before the House Judiciary Committee.

Guest Opinion: Happy survival day to Jimmy Carter

Guest Opinion: Happy survival day to Jimmy Carter

As of last week, Jimmy Carter was 94 years and 172 days old, making him the longest surviving president in U.S. history, surpassing George H.W. Bush, who died at the end of last year, and Gerald Ford before him.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor.